Pp-100ii/100ap/50 Setup Guide For Mac

2020. 2. 10. 06:41카테고리 없음

  1. Pp-100ii/100ap/50 Setup Guide For Mac Download

This guide covers the basics of setting up a development environment on a new Mac. Whether you are an experienced programmer or not, this guide is intended for everyone to use as a reference for setting up your environment or installing languages/libraries. The Epson PP-100AP Autoprinter delivers professional prints on CDs, DVDs or BDs. The PP-100AP processes up to 95 discs per hour and is therefore ideally suited for quick and efficient large batch production of professionally designed digital media. 3 Organization of this Manual The following instruction guides are included with this product. For Windows OS For Mac OS Setup Guide Briefly describes how to set up this product with illustrations.

Troubleshooting eGPUs on macOS eGPU support has gained a ton of traction in the past year, but we are not out of the woods yet. It's always a challenge to create perfect hacks - there aren't many out there. Thus we must rely on good ol' troubleshooting to see the light. This extensive guide is aimed at all eGPU users using macOS 10.13.4 or later.

Index. Getting your hardware right is half the battle. Prepare well. Ever in doubt if your eGPU is working?

Find out for once and for all. Is macOS deceiving you? Find out here. Something's not right?. An essential toolkit for the initiated.

Is your mac in a pinch? We've all been there. Let's get down to business. Find out potential ways to resolve unexpected eGPU performance.

Find out the tools at your disposal to manage eGPU support on your system, and more. I don't want this thread to be about '. troubleshooting technique did not work.' - its different for everyone. Instead, I want it to be about feedback and suggestions to this guide - like what I've missed, some other neat tricks, and so on.

A constructive thread, so to speak. I would kindly request eGPUio'rs to provide such feedback. For example, I have poor understanding of iMac performance and eGPU support - need more data about the tips and tricks involved there. Appropriate Hardware It is paramount to ensure your hardware configuration is optimal before anything else. Is here to help. You won’t find anything else as comprehensive as that, and being well-versed with it is half the battle.

Some general considerations:. Power: Ensure that the eGPU enclosure of your choice can sufficiently power your choice of GPU. At this time, Vega GPUs demand the most power, so be careful with them. GPUs not powered correctly may crash the system in the worst case. Thunderbolt: Use certified Thunderbolt 3 cables and adapters.

Cables can affect bandwidth across the system and overall performance. If you are using a non- TB3 system, use certified adapters, such as Apple TB3 to TB2 adapter. Please note that TB2 & TB1 use the same cables and adapters - the difference is only in the protocol and ports on the systems. Once you are certain that your hardware is functional and optimal, you can proceed with software modifications. Monitor eGPU Activity If you are already set up and running, but are not sure if your eGPU is being used, you have multiple ways to validate your eGPU activity:.: Use GPU History to see what’s going on with your GPUs.

You can do this through Window GPU History, or ⌘ + 4 after launching Activity Monitor.: A useful OpenGL benchmarking tool that lists all available compute units. You can even benchmark one of your processors at a time.: A household name in benchmarking that also lists available compute units for OpenCL & Metal benchmarking.

If your eGPU is visible and active in any of the above programs, it means that it has been initialized correctly. Displays & “About This Mac” Mysteries Some users may believe that an eGPU is not working if About This Mac does not show it’s name in the Graphics section. This is incorrect. These are the facts:. The graphics section typically shows GPUs being used on the primary display.

Therefore, if your eGPU is solely accelerating your external monitor which hasn’t been set as the primary monitor, you won’t see it here. The section behaves somewhat differently if multiple GPUs are multiplexing on the same monitor. An example is when a mac is actively using its discrete GPU (high performance mode), where this section shows 2 GPUs. The About This Mac Displays sections more accurately reveals GPUs and the displays they are connected to. Always use this for reference.

Optimal Settings The most optimal configuration for eGPUs is to have a primary external display. Once you have your eGPU up and running:. Go to System Preferences Displays, and drag the white menu bar from the current primary display to your external display to set as primary. Check About This Mac - you will notice that the graphics section shows your eGPU name instead.

Your internal GPUs are still there though, so don’t worry. EGPUs & Internal Displays By default, eGPUs will not accelerate a mac's internal display. Applications need to be designed to take advantage of external graphics on internal displays. For instance, DaVinci Resolve does so. It may be possible to force applications to use the eGPU using, though the results may not always be satisfactory.

Understanding macOS Builds & Versions Every macOS release, for the longest time, has had a version number and build identifier. Formerly known as Mac OS X, then just OS X, and now macOS, what didn't change were these numbers and identifiers. Sample: 10.13.6  17G65 Version Number. 10.13.6 is the version number in the above sample.

Think of it as MACOSGEN.MAJOR.MINOR. MACOSGEN = 10 - we have been using macOS 'X' since the start of the millennia. MAJOR = 13 - Yearly updates (since 7 - 8) to macOS.

MINOR = 6 - Refinement releases across the year. Version numbers have corresponding build numbers, and they have quite an interesting relationship. Build Identifier. 17G65 is the build identifier in the above sample.

The breakdown is interesting:. MACOSGEN = 17 - correlates to 10.13 or High Sierra. They increase/decrease in tandem (Mojave - 18 / 10.14). MINOR = G - 6th letter - 10.13.6. BUILDNO = 65 - Think of it as an iteration on the goal build within Apple. Betas have smaller numbers, with yet another lower-case letter appended to it.

Build numbers have other variations too. Security updates and some betas sometimes add an extra digit in the BUILDNO (common in iOS betas - appending 5 after minor release letter for instance). Keep in mind that these build number relationships are not set in stone, and one may see some oddities (such as 10.13.6 for MBP 2018). This is just a primer on the general trends observed. Setup Complications As mentioned earlier, eGPU support is not cut-and-dry yet - there are a variety of complications, but some have been dealt with. The rule of thumb is to read the entire post regarding scripts and software solutions before running the solution yourself.

So before doing anything:. Read the entire post regarding eGPU solutions and understand the disclaimer that goes along with them.

Pp-100ii/100ap/50 Setup Guide For Mac

Investigate the links of complications you think your setup might qualify for. eGPU solutions here have built-in mechanisms to recover from potential system damage or malfunction - know them well. Look at the for information on your configuration.

Problematic Systems An eGPU setup can be problematic based on:. Mac Type: For example, macs with discrete NVIDIA GPUs have interesting edge cases. eGPU Brand: AMD and NVIDIA eGPUs behave very differently on different macs. Connectivity Type: In some cases, the cable quality, enclosure firmware, adapters, and thunderbolt versions play a significant role.

It is wiser to build known-working setups, which you may find in the. If your system + eGPU configuration is not there, find the closest resembling build and ensure that you look at any edge cases involved. Also search the forums for dedicated threads if the issue is prevalent. Before anything else, it is advised to disable System Integrity Protection at least during troubleshooting for optimality. Re-enable partially if desired once the problem is resolved.

Complications with NVIDIA eGPUs There are many complications with NVIDIA eGPUs, given the lack of official support. Sometimes, the problem is obvious, but in many other cases, it can be non-trivial to comprehend. There are always a few things to try: For Black Screens & Uninitialized eGPUs. Cold Boots: Try booting with eGPU plugged in. This may sometimes resolve the problem.

Also try disconnecting and re-connecting the external display to the eGPU. Log Outs: Try hot-plugging the eGPU, wait for eGPU initialization ( 10s), and log out. You may see the external display functioning. Fiddle with the external monitor if needed.

Tip: If both internal and external displays are black, you can log out by pressing ⌘+⇪+Q then return. If you have multiple external displays, and not all are accelerated/are black, try logging out/in multiple times. Mirroring: In specific cases, eGPUs may cause both the internal and external screens to render nothing. This might be because the displays are mirroring.

In such a case, connect your external display directly to your mac, set it to disable mirroring, and then try using it with the eGPU again. If macOS remembers the display (ideally), it will default to extending instead of mirroring, and may resolve the issue. For Live Connections/Disconnections. Disconnections: Disconnecting NVIDIA eGPUs from the Safe eGPU Eject Menu is not supported and will crash your system. Future workarounds will remove this icon for NVIDIA eGPUs. Connections: Hot-plugs are supported depending on the system.

For example, a mac with a built-in NVIDIA GPU may be unable to output to the external screen when hot-plugged. In such a case, follow the procedures outlined above for black screens. For Boot Issues. No Boot Sound + Failure: This means the system is failing the power-on-self-test ( POST).

Plug in the eGPU after this step is complete. An example combination is: NVIDIA 9xx or later eGPU + Mac with built-in NVIDIA GPU. Boot Failure with eGPU: This likely means an issue with NVIDIA Web Drivers. This will require a manual uninstallation of those drivers. See the Swiss Knife for more information on what to do.

Pp-100ii/100ap/50 setup guide for mac download

For Rendering Issues. No OpenCL/GL: A rare complication that arises on macs with built-in NVIDIA GPUs where eGPUs are unable to perform or compute using the OpenCL/GL API. The only way to resolve this was to use older NVIDIA Web Drivers. You can read about the experience.

With the new update, it is possible to use newer drivers as well. Poor UI Performance: This may be an alternative complication to black screen problems. The steps recommended for black screens apply here as well. Understanding NVIDIA Web Drivers. NVIDIA have kept things simple - each build of macOS has its own compatible set of drivers. A one-to-one mapping. In our hacky world though, this doesn't really bode well in many cases, such as beta builds, or unique device builds.

Patching an older driver for a newer minor build ( A -D, F - G, etc.) or different build number ( F100 - F120, etc.) or a combination of the two is usually ok. Major build ( 17G - 18A, etc.) changes will usually be fatal and can be considered to have a low chance of success. Of course, this is not definitive and depends per release. A good list of problems and potential solutions with NVIDIA eGPUs has been compiled.

Complications with AMD eGPUs Although natively supported in macOS, AMD eGPUs have some interesting edge cases on macs, including problems with sleep and rendering. Fortunately, the experience is significantly smoother and simpler than NVIDIA eGPUs. Let's take a look:. Sleep/Wake: This issue may occur on all macs running AMD eGPUs (native compatibility). The problem likely lies when macOS goes into deep sleep. One way to avoid this is to disable hibernation.

This can be done with some of the eGPU solutions, but you can do so yourself using appropriate commands. FileVault may also need to be disabled. Black Screens: Typically only affects macs with built-in NVIDIA cards. They need to disable the NVIDIA GPU using. Doing so has it's own set of ramifications, but can be an appropriate tradeoff in most cases. Using Thunderbolt Monitors with eGPUs Unfortunately, GPUs do not have Thunderbolt/USB-C outputs for applicable monitors, and that means that these monitors need to be directly connected to Macs instead.

In such a case, to accelerate the contents of the monitor using the eGPU:. Headless Adapter: Use a headless adapter on the eGPU to simulate a monitor resolution similar to your TB monitor.

Mirroring: Set the system to mirror displays, and for optimal performance, disable the internal display or enter clamshell mode if supported. A new workaround, forces applications to use the eGPU, and can be an alternative to mirroring. Support for thunderbolt monitors is still up in the air, and this technique may or may not work. Bandwidth Issues With Thunderbolt 3 In some cases, TB3 eGPU setups may initialize at 20Gbps bandwidth for seemingly no clear reason.

In such a case, the cable is most likely at fault. The most appropriate troubleshooting steps are to try different cables, as well as a different host system to eliminate other variables. Issues with eGPU Connectivity & Previously Working Setups Sometimes updating macOS to a new patch-supported version is not smooth, and previously working setups are broken. But in many cases, it is really the hardware that's at fault. Here are a few tips and tricks to understand what's going on:.

Regardless of any patch, a thunderbolt enclosure must power up if connected to macOS. If enclosure is not powering up, power cycle it, or disconnect everything for up to 10 minutes before re-trying. Monitor thunderbolt and kext activity in Console if all else fails:. Ensure that any required eGPU patches are active. Launch Console from spotlight search. In the search bar, type in and filter for thunderbolt.

Plug in eGPU. Look for thunderbolt activity.

If there isn't a long list of messages, then the enclosure is not powered properly. Look for GPU-associated kext activity by filtering amd and nvda depending on eGPU. If you don't see activity, then either the GPU is not powered sufficiently or the connection is weak/loose. It may be helpful to disassemble/reassemble if applicable. macOS clean installs may resolve the issue. For the future, consider upgrading macOS without the eGPU plugged in during the process. Command Line Swiss Knife This section is for the initiated - a terminal command line galore to shoo away eGPU-related problems (or at least make an attempt), and for developers who want to further develop eGPU solutions.

Let's check 'em out:. Kext Unable To Load: A scenario where a customized kernel extension fails to load. You can resolve this by fixing it's permissions as follows - sudo chown -R root:wheel sudo chmod -R 755.

Verify If Kext Is Loadable: You can easily verify if a kernel extension is loadable - sudo kextutil -n. Rebuild Kext Cache: The recommended method to rebuild the kernel extension cache is to update the extensions folder and reboot - sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions sudo reboot. Extract Packages Without Installing Them: Ever wanted to peak into a package, extract some part of its contents for partial use, and circumvent its restrictions? Recovering Systems With all the precautions we take, sometimes software just doesn't behave as we want it to. In those tough times, one might lose hope, but never give up. In most cases, it is possible to recover the system without re-installing macOS or recovering from a Time Machine backup (which you better have - nonetheless).

There are three primary means of recovering the system:. macOS Recovery: Generally, a non-visible partition in macOS that can be used to recover potentially damaged systems as well as restore from Time Machine backups. You can easily boot into recovery using ⌘ + R. Internet recovery is also available, using ⌘ + ⌥ + R or ⌘ + ⌥ + ⇪ + R.

macOS Single User Mode (SUM): This is a command-line interface enabled right before operating system boot begins. This is the mode to use when recovery is not possible and manual removal of items is required. Press ⌘ + S while booting.

macOS Safe Boot: This allows the system to boot while loading only the necessary kernel extensions, clears system caches, and does not use the kernel cache. Press and hold shift while booting. Issues After Kext Installations If your system is unable to boot after recently installing kexts, such as NVIDIA Web Drivers or NVDAEGPUSupport, you can recover the system in two ways:. Safe Mode: Boot into safe mode, delete the offending kexts, and reboot. In rare cases, it may not be possible to boot in safe mode.

In such a case, use Single User Mode. Single User Mode: Boot into SUM and wait for the command line to initialize. Then follow #9 from Command Line Swiss Knife. Issues After NVRAM Modifications It is not uncommon for the system to fail boot if there's something shady going on in the NVRAM. You can resolve this in two ways:. NVRAM Clear: Boot into Single User Mode, clear NVRAM, and reboot - nvram -c reboot.

NVRAM Reset: Boot the system while pressing ⌘ + ⌥ + P + R until you hear the chime again. For systems that don't chime, watch for the screen to light up and turn off immediately, after which the keys can be released. This will reset System Integrity Protection as well (does not for NVRAM Clear). Scripts such as purge-nvda modify the NVRAM for desired results.

While the script has built-in recovery, in the rare scenario that it is not accessible, direct understanding of NVRAM might save you. System Uncertainity Sometimes, one may lose track of their current system configuration and the patches installed on the system.

In such a scenario, the following steps are the most appropriate:. Reinstall macOS: On top of your current installation, download and install the latest public release of macOS from the App Store.

Doing so will likely eliminate any modified system files and settings, which are usually kext-related. Check /Library/Application Support: For installations from scripts. These can be safely removed if macOS has been installed on top of the existing installation, as the patches have been eliminated. Check Script Information: For some additional insight into where and what has been changed in the system.

Since your system is clean, any lingering files can be safely eliminated. These may include daemons and other support files. At this point, almost every user should be back into their OS regardless of the problem. However, in the rare case that even a reinstallation does not help, the only option is to restore from an untainted Time Machine backup. Performance Diagnostics While eGPUs may be working on your system, there can sometimes be interesting edge cases and complications with respect to its performance.

You may see slower than expected numbers, lack of application support, preference of internal GPU instead of eGPU, and so on. Debugging performance is straightforward:. Validate Expected Performance: It is important to understand how much performance the eGPU should be providing before deciding that a performance problem is affecting you.

You can do this easily by checking the using your eGPU and a host having the same thunderbolt interface. Please note that small variations are expected and rely on several other factors, predominantly CPUs. Validate Localization: Discern whether it is certain applications that aren't accelerating, or just all apps not doing so. Monitor eGPU activity in compute tasks vs. Rendering tasks.

Deduce what isn't working exactly and where. Check Applications: Many applications (such as Final Cut Pro) do not make use of the eGPU regardless of the configuration. It is essential to understand what apps work, and what don't.

You will have to check for the applications concerning you. Suggestions If you are dealing with NVIDIA eGPUs, it may be worth trying older versions of Web Drivers, as these may resolve your problems. On the other hand, things are usually uncertain with AMD eGPUs. If your system and monitor settings are optimal, most applications should render using the eGPU, while specific aspects of the applications may require specifically addressing the eGPU on developer-end.

Also employ benchmarking tools to confirm your findings. EGPU ToolKit & Resources There are a ton of tools and resources out there to understand and manipulate eGPUs and displays on macOS. There are also fantastic guides on this forum worth a read.

This section is your swiss knife to these resources. EGPU Solutions For macOS, we need solutions to enable NVIDIA eGPUs as well as eGPUs on non-TB3 macs:. EFI-based solution that does not modify system files. Simple script, does not require eGPU to be plugged in, and includes auto-updates, full recovery, etc. Managing Displays macOS display management has some obvious limitations, especially the ability to disable the internal display. Here are some useful applications to augment display functionality:.: Advanced display management for macOS with loads of features and the ability to program scripts for display events.: While archived now, this app is still commonly used for it's self-explanatory feature of disabling monitors.

Monitoring Systems There are several applications for monitoring systems besides Activity Monitor:.: Leave no stone unturned - all in the menu bar.: An elegant interface to monitor mac performance.: Great for monitoring system temperatures, with the bonus of controlling system fan speeds. Additional Guides & Resources Check out some of these awesome guides & resources:.: See builds by eGPU.io users - they can prove to be invaluable guidance.: If you're one of those that holds out for awhile.: Sometimes just plugging stuff in doesn't work.: Use the latest firmware for best eGPU results.: Possibly a technique to make sure apps use eGPU whenever applicable.: Understand macOS boot and improve performance - great for people with multiple installs.: See what Apple supports with their eGPU implementation.: Examine the innards of some interesting open source components in macOS. Posted by: fsaguiguit Hi All, Im playing WOW and just purchased + + Vega 56 Gigabyte + MBP 2016 with current MacOS My problem Im having is that when I am in game, the game caps at 30fps. Then when I have GPU History on from the monitor activity, it then boosts WOW to 60 FPS which is the max my screen takes at 1080p Can anyone please help. Thank you did you ever find a solution to this? I am having the exact same thing happen.

Game caps at 30fps unless I have GPU Monitor open. Not sure why that would matter, but it does.

Thank you in advance.

. User’s Guide M000555-00. Neither Seiko Epson Corporation nor its affiliates shall be liable to the purchaser of this product or third parties for damages, losses, costs, or expenses incurred by purchaser or third parties as a result of: accident, misuse, or abuse of this product or unauthorized modifications, repairs, or alterations to this product, or (excluding the U.S.). Starting EPSON Total Disc Maker.

Accessing EPSON Total Disc Maker. Using EPSON Total Disc Monitor.

Before Contacting Epson. Write Speed.141 Mechanical. Important Notice and Safety Instructions Important Note You may use the software to operate the EPSON PP-100II.

You may use the EPSON PP-100II to copy materials onto media, including but not limited to CDs, DVDs, and BDs. You agree to respect the rights of copyright owners. EPSON shall have no liability for, and you shall hold EPSON harmless from, any copyright infringement by you or your employees, representatives, or agents.

❏ Do not use a damaged or frayed power cord. ❏ If you use an extension cord with the product, make sure that the total ampere rating of the devices plugged into the extension cord does not exceed the cord’s ampere rating.

Also, make sure that the total ampere rating of all devices plugged into the wall outlet does not exceed the wall outlet’s ampere rating. ❏ Avoid places subject to dust, shocks, vibrations, or cigarette smoke. ❏ Leave enough room around the product to allow for sufficient ventilation. ❏ Place the product near a wall outlet where the plug can be easily unplugged. Using the Product Observe the following when using the product: ❏.Malfunction or repair -Damage due to natural disaster Epson does not hold any responsibility for lost or damaged data, due to causes not limited to those listed above, even the product is under warranty period. Important Notice and Safety Instructions.

The connection of a non-shielded interface cable to this product will invalidate the EMC standards of this device. You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by Seiko Epson Corporation could void your authority to operate the equipment. Important Notice and Safety Instructions. For Canadian Users This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Indication of the manufacturer and the importer in accordance with requirements of directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS) Manufacturer: SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION Address: 3-5, Owa 3-chome, Suwa-shi, Nagano-ken 392-8502 Japan Telephone. Warnings, Cautions, and Notes Warnings, Cautions, and Notes in this User's Guide as indicated below have the following meanings.

Warnings must be followed carefully to avoid bodily injury. Cautions must be observed to avoid damage to your equipment. Notes contain important information and useful tips on the operation of the product. Important Notice and Safety Instructions.

Chapter 1 Using Your Software System Requirements Using the Product Windows requirements To use this product, you must have any of the following Windows operating systems installed. Operating system Windows XP (32bit, SP3 or later) Home Edition/Professional Windows Vista (32bit/64bit, SP2 or later) Home Basic/Home Premium/Business/Enterprise/ Ultimate Windows 7 (32bit/64bit, SP1 or later). Interface USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 ❏ Compatible with USB 2.0 standard ❏ Ensure Hi-Speed USB performance Display XGA (1024 x 768 pixels) or higher 65,536 colors or more Other Making music CD: Requires sound device with appropriate driver installed. Windows Media Player 6.4 or higher must be installed. Select Start ( in Windows 7 or Windows Vista) - All Programs (or Programs) - EPSON Total Disc Maker - EPSON Total Disc Setup. The EPSON Total Disc Setup will start. Select Common Setting for Publishing from the Tool menu.

Adding the Product Use the EPSON Total Disc Setup to add the product (CD/DVD/BD publisher) to the computer. Note: The product must be added when the connection point (port) is set manually. However, the product does not need to be added when the connection point (port) is set automatically. Select Start ( in Windows 7 or Windows Vista) - All Programs (or Programs) - EPSON Total Disc Maker - EPSON Total Disc Setup. The EPSON Total Disc Setup will start. Select Common Setting for Publishing from the Tool menu.

EPSON Total Disc Setup EPSON Total Disc Setup is a utility to register the product to the computer and to set basic settings to publish CDs/DVDs/BDs, such as settings for the publish mode, stackers, and drives. Getting Information through Online Help You can access online help for EPSON Total Disc Maker from the software or from the Windows Start menu. In window of EPSON Total Disc Maker, EPSON Total Disc Monitor, or EPSON Total Disc Setup, click the button to display online help for each utility. Windows XP Home Edition/Windows Server 2003: Click Start, Control Panel, then click Printers and Faxes. Right-click EPSON PP-100PRN, then click Printing Preferences in the menu.

Getting Information through Online Help You can access online help for items in the printer driver from your application or from the Windows Start menu. Click Uninstall a program (Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows Server 2008) or double-click the Add or Remove Programs icon (Windows XP or Windows Server 2003). Choose EPSON Total Disc Maker. Click Uninstall/Change (Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows Server 2008) or click Change/Remove (Windows XP or Windows Server 2003). Chapter 2 Publishing Discs Introduction This section guides you through the procedures for creating, printing, and reading discs. Note: For information on discs, see the following section.

& See “Discs” on page 135. Turning Power On/off This section describes how to turn on/off power. Turning power on 1. Overview of Publish Modes Writing data to discs, printing labels that you created/edited, and reading data from discs are called “Publish” in EPSON Total Disc Maker. The product has four kinds of publish modes. Standard Mode This mode uses stacker 1 as the input stacker, and stacker 2, 3, or 4 as the output stacker.

Batch Mode This mode uses stacker 1 and 2 as the input stackers, and stacker 2 and 3 as the output stackers. You can create up to 100 CDs/DVDs/BDs at once without refilling and taking out discs while publishing. Up to 1000 CDs/DVDs/BDs can be continuously published in a single job by refilling discs and taking out published discs. The Number of write retries is a setting to retry writing if a write error occurs. Setting the Number of write retries will enable the job to continue without pausing if a write error occurs. Of read back errors allowed (only for Read Back mode) Select 0 to 9 for the No.

Change the disc. ❏ Moisture on the printable surface may cause smearing. ❏ If you print on the matte label type of Epson specified discs, set Label Type to CD/DVD Premium Label. ❏ When using Epson specified discs, only 1 can be selected for Print Mode setting.

❏ Hold disc by the edge, and do not touch either surface. ❏ The completed job display of EPSON Total Disc Monitor shows the number of successes, number of failures, and number of discs printed.

If problems occur, please try using a different CD/DVD/BD source drive for copying. ❏ To copy from the drive using EPSON Total DIsc Maker, please log onto Windows as a user with administrator privileges (belonging to the administrator group). Otherwise, copying is not possible, because certain parts of the drive cannot be accessed with a limited user account. Notice for Barcode Printing ❏ When printing barcodes and 2D codes, be sure to use Epson brand ink cartridges.

❏ When printing barcodes and 2D codes on discs that are not Epson specified discs, check whether the printed barcodes or 2D codes can be read correctly by a scanner. Standard Mode Loading Discs Follow the steps below to load discs. Open the disc cover. Take out stacker 1. Fan a stack of discs to prevent them from sticking together. Be careful not to scratch the recording side of the discs. Publishing Discs.

Load discs into stacker 1 with the printable side facing up. Caution: ❏ Do not load the discs above the dotted line marked on the stacker; otherwise, the discs or product may be damaged. ❏ Do not mix CDs/DVDs with BDs in the same stacker. Otherwise, a disc pick error can easily occur. If you use stacker 3 for the following cases, insert stacker 3. ❏ When you select stacker 3 as the output stacker.

❏ When you select stacker 2 as the output stacker and you want to eject error discs to stacker 3. To learn how to use EPSON Total Disc Maker, go to the Help menu.

Registering Data The following instructions explain how to register data to be written on discs. Start EPSON Total Disc Maker and click Disc on the menu bar of EPSON Total Disc Maker. Publishing Discs. Select type of discs to be published from the list, then click Apply. Publishing Discs. ❏ Clicking Auto Insert Data.

Enables you to set for Merge data and burn. For details, see Help for EPSON Total Disc Maker. ❏ To access Help for EPSON Total Disc Maker, select Help from the Help menu.

Publishing Discs. Creating Labels The following instructions explain how to create labels using templates provided with the software.

Click Label on the menu bar of EPSON Total Disc Maker. Publishing Discs. Click Template tab and select a label design from the list, then click Apply. Publishing Discs. Make changes on the label as needed in the Background, Edit Item, and Layout tabs. For details, see Help for EPSON Total Disc Maker.

Note: To access Help for EPSON Total Disc Maker, select Help from the Help menu. Publishing Discs. Making the Stacker Settings The following instructions explain how to set stackers. Click Publish on the menu bar of EPSON Total Disc Maker. Click Properties on the Publish screen of EPSON Total Disc Maker or EPSON Total Disc Setup.

Publishing Discs. Set Stacker Settings. ❏ Publish Mode: Select Standard mode. ❏ Stacker 1: Select the type of discs that you loaded into stacker 1. ❏ Stacker 3: If you want to eject published discs to stacker 2 and error discs to stacker 3, select Use. Publishing Discs The following instructions explain how to publish discs. Make the publish settings on the Publish screen of EPSON Total Disc Maker.

For details, see Help for EPSON Total Disc Maker. Note: To access Help for EPSON Total Disc Maker, select Help from the Help menu. Caution: ❏ Do not open the disc cover while the product is publishing discs, unless the application instructs you to add or remove discs. This may affect write quality or print quality. Also, do not put your hands inside the product while it is beeping, as arm is still moving.

External Output Mode Loading Discs Follow the steps below to load discs. Open the disc cover. Take out stacker 1.

Fan a stack of discs to prevent them from sticking together. Be careful not to scratch the recording side of the discs. Load discs into stacker 1 with the printable side facing up. Caution: ❏ Do not load the discs above the dotted line marked on the stacker; otherwise, the discs or product may be damaged. ❏ Do not mix CDs/DVDs with BDs in the same stacker. Otherwise, a disc pick error can easily occur. Take out stacker 2.

Fan a stack of discs to prevent them from sticking together. Be careful not to scratch the recording side of the disc. Load discs into stacker 2 with the printable side facing up. Insert stacker 2. If you select stacker 3 as the output stacker, insert stacker 3.

Caution: ❏ Make sure that there are no discs in stackers 3 and 4. ❏ Do not pull out stacker 4. Be sure to lock the lock lever located on stacker 4. Publishing Discs. To learn how to use EPSON Total Disc Maker, go to the Help menu. Registering Data The following instructions explain how to register data to be written on discs.

Start EPSON Total Disc Maker and click Disc on the menu bar of EPSON Total Disc Maker. Publishing Discs. Select type of discs to be published from the list, then click Apply. Publishing Discs. ❏ Clicking Auto Insert Data.

Enables you to set for Merge data and burn. For details, see Help for EPSON Total Disc Maker. ❏ To access Help for EPSON Total Disc Maker, select Help from the Help menu.

Publishing Discs. Creating Labels The following instructions explain how to create labels using templates provided with the software. Click Label on the menu bar of EPSON Total Disc Maker. Publishing Discs.

Click Template tab and select a label design from the list, then click Apply. Publishing Discs. Make changes on the label as needed in the Background, Edit Item, and Layout tabs. For details, see Help for EPSON Total Disc Maker. Note: To access Help for EPSON Total Disc Maker, select Help from the Help menu. Publishing Discs.

Making the Stacker Settings The following instructions explain how to set stackers. Click Publish on the menu bar of EPSON Total Disc Maker. Click Properties on the Publish screen of EPSON Total Disc Maker or EPSON Total Disc Setup. Publishing Discs. Set Stacker Settings. ❏ Publish Mode: Select External Output mode.

❏ Stacker 1: Select the type of discs that you loaded into stacker 1. ❏ Stacker 2: Select the type of discs that you loaded into stacker 2.

❏ Stacker 3: If you want to eject published discs to stacker 3, select Output Stacker. Publishing Discs The following instructions explain how to publish discs. Make the publish settings on the Publish screen of EPSON Total Disc Maker. For details, see Help for EPSON Total Disc Maker. Note: To access Help for EPSON Total Disc Maker, select Help from the Help menu. Caution: ❏ Do not open the disc cover while the product is publishing discs, unless the application instructs you to add or remove discs. This may affect write quality or print quality.

Also, for safety reasons, do not put your hands inside the product while it is beeping, as arm is still moving. Batch Mode Loading Discs Follow the steps below to load discs. Open the disc cover. Take out stacker 1.

Fan a stack of discs to prevent them from sticking together. Be careful not to scratch the recording side of the discs.

Publishing Discs. Load discs into stacker 1 with the printable side facing up. Caution: ❏ Do not load the discs above the dotted line marked on the stacker; otherwise, the discs or product may be damaged. ❏ Do not mix CDs/DVDs with BDs in the same stacker. Otherwise, a disc pick error can easily occur.

Take out stacker 2. Fan a stack of discs to prevent them from sticking together. Be careful not to scratch the recording side of the discs. Load discs into stacker 2 with the printable side facing up. Insert stacker 2.

Insert stacker 3. Caution: ❏ Make sure that there are no discs in stackers 3 and 4.

❏ Do not pull out stacker 4. Be sure to lock the lock lever located on stacker 4. Publishing Discs. Close the disc cover. Accessing EPSON Total Disc Maker After loading discs into the stackers, access EPSON Total Disc Maker to make settings for writing discs, and create the labels printed on the discs. Click Start ( in Windows 7 or Windows Vista), point to All Programs or Programs.

Registering Data The following instructions explain how to register data to be written on discs. Start EPSON Total Disc Maker and click Disc on the menu bar of EPSON Total Disc Maker.

Select type of discs to be published from the list, then click Apply. ❏ Clicking Auto Insert Data. Enables you to set for Merge data and burn. For details, see Help for EPSON Total Disc Maker. ❏ To access Help for EPSON Total Disc Maker, select Help from the Help menu.

Publishing Discs. Creating Labels The following instructions explain how to create labels using templates provided with the software. Click Label on the menu bar of EPSON Total Disc Maker. Publishing Discs. Click Template tab and select a label design from the list, then click Apply. Publishing Discs.

Make changes on the label as needed in the Background, Edit Item, and Layout tabs. For details, see Help for EPSON Total Disc Maker. Note: To access Help for EPSON Total Disc Maker, select Help from the Help menu. Publishing Discs.

Making the Stacker Settings The following instructions explain how to set stackers. Click Publish on the menu bar of EPSON Total Disc Maker. Click Properties on the Publish screen of EPSON Total Disc Maker or EPSON Total Disc Setup. Publishing Discs. Set Stacker Settings. ❏ Publish Mode: Select Batch mode. ❏ Stacker 1: Select the type of discs that you loaded into stackers 1 and 2.

Publishing Discs. Publishing Discs 1.

Make the publish settings on the Publish screen of EPSON Total Disc Maker. For details, see Help for EPSON Total Disc Maker. Note: To access Help for EPSON Total Disc Maker, select Help from the Help menu.

Caution: ❏ Do not open the covers while the product is publishing discs, unless the application instructs you to add or remove discs. This may affect write quality or print quality. Also, for safety reasons, do not put your hands inside the product while it is beeping, as arm is still moving. Read Back Mode Loading Discs Follow the steps below to load discs to be read. Open the disc cover. Take out stacker 1.

Fan a stack of discs to prevent them from sticking together. Be careful not to scratch the recording side of the discs. Load discs into stacker 1 with the printable side facing up. Caution: ❏ Do not load the discs above the dotted line marked on the stacker; otherwise, the discs or product may be damaged.

❏ Do not mix CDs/DVDs with BDs in the same stacker. Otherwise, a disc pick error can easily occur. If you want to eject error discs to stacker 3, insert stacker 3. Caution: ❏ Make sure that there are no discs in stackers 3 and 4. ❏ Do not pull out stacker 4. Be sure to lock the lock lever located on stacker 4. To learn how to use EPSON Total Disc Maker, go to the Help menu.

Setting Read Back The following instructions explain how to set read back operation. Start EPSON Total Disc Maker and click Disc on the menu bar of EPSON Total Disc Maker. Publishing Discs. Select Read Back from the list, then click Apply. Publishing Discs. Make the read back settings, then click Apply.

For details, see Help for EPSON Total Disc Maker. Note: To access Help for EPSON Total Disc Maker, select Help from the Help menu.

Publishing Discs. Making the Stacker Settings The following instructions explain how to set stackers. Click Publish on the menu bar of EPSON Total Disc Maker. Click Properties on the Publish screen of EPSON Total Disc Maker or EPSON Total Disc Setup. Publishing Discs. Set Stacker Settings. ❏ Publish Mode: Select Read Back mode.

❏ Stacker 3: If you want to eject error discs to stacker 3, select Error Disc Output Stacker. If you want to eject error discs to stacker 4, select Do not use. Publishing Discs The following instructions explain how to publish. Set the number of discs to be read for Copies on the Publish screen of EPSON Total Disc Maker. Click the Publish button.

Publishing Discs. Caution: ❏ Do not open the disc cover while the product is publishing discs, unless the application instructs you to add or remove discs. This may affect read quality. Also, do not put your hands inside the product while it is beeping, as arm is still moving. Note: ❏ Be sure to let printed discs dry completely before using them or touching the printed surface.

Allow Epson specified discs to dry for at least 1 hour and other types of discs for at least 24 hours. Publishing Discs. ❏ If the print position is misaligned, adjust it using the printer driver.

For details, refer to the printer driver Help. ❏ If the ink smears, adjust the color saturation. For details, refer to the printer driver Help.

❏ When publishing discs using Batch mode, the number of discs output to stacker 3 is not always the same as the number of discs loaded into stacker 2. If you need to pause publishing, follow the instructions below. When you start publishing, the screen of EPSON Total Disc Monitor appears on your computer screen. Select the job you want to pause in the Unfinished Job list, and then select Pause Job from the Job menu or click button. Resuming Publishing If you need to resume publishing, follow the instructions below.

Start EPSON Total Disc Monitor. Select the job you want to resume in the Unfinished Job list, and then select Resume Job from the Job menu or click button. Canceling Publishing If you need to cancel publishing, follow the instructions below. Start EPSON Total Disc Monitor. Select the job you want to cancel in the Unfinished Job list, and then select Cancel Job from the Job menu or click button.

If you need to process a job before the others when more than one job is being published, follow the instructions below. Start EPSON Total Disc Monitor. Select the job you want to give priority to in the Unfinished Job list, and then select Priority Publishing from the Job menu or click button. ❏ Epson cannot guarantee the quality or reliability of ink not made by EPSON.

❏ When an ink cartridge is running low, the status is displayed on the EPSON Total Disc Monitor. To check the ink cartridge status, do the following: ❏. Ink cartridges with low ink status may not be used when reinserted. ❏ Do not refill the ink cartridges. Other products not manufactured by Epson may cause damage that is not covered by Epson's warranties, and under certain circumstances, may cause erratic product behavior. Remove the cartridge, wipe the circuit board with a soft cloth and install it again. ❏ Color adjustment of the product is based on the use of genuine Epson ink cartridges.

Use of non-genuine ink cartridges may result in reduced print quality and the product performance may not be optimum. This table describes the status of the lights and the actions you need to take.

Lights Action Ink is low. Obtain a replacement ink cartridge. The ink cartridge has reached its replacement time. Replace the used ink cartridge with a new one.: flashing: on To replace an ink cartridge, follow the steps below.

❏ Do not refill the ink cartridge. Other products not manufactured by Epson may cause damage that is not covered by Epson's warranties, and under certain circumstances, may cause erratic product behavior. Place the new ink cartridge into the slot. Then push the ink cartridge until it clicks into place.

When you are finished replacing cartridges, close the ink cartridge cover. Replacing Ink Cartridges. Chapter 4 Maintaining Your Product Checking the Print Head Nozzles If you find that the printout is unexpectedly faint or that dots are missing, you may be able to identify the problem by checking the print head nozzles. You can check the print head nozzles from your computer by using the nozzle check utility. Using the Nozzle Check Utility Follow the steps below to use the nozzle check utility. If any segment of the printed lines is missing, as shown below, this could mean a clogged ink nozzle. & See “Cleaning the Print Head” on page 96.

Cleaning the Print Head If you find that the printout is unexpectedly faint or that dots are missing, you may be able to solve these problems by cleaning the print head, which ensures that the nozzles are delivering ink properly. Using the Head Cleaning Utility Follow the steps below to clean the print head using the head cleaning utility. Make sure the product is turned on. Make sure no lights indicate errors and the disc cover is closed. Using the Product Buttons Follow the steps below to clean the print head using the product buttons. Make sure the PC is turned on.

Make sure the product is turned on. Make sure no lights indicate errors and the disc cover is closed.

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Make sure an unprinted disc is inserted in stacker 1. Make sure no lights indicate errors and the disc cover is closed. Access the printer driver. See “Accessing the Printer Driver” on page 21.

Click the Utility tab, then click the Print Head Alignment button. Cleaning Your Product Cleaning the Exterior of the Product To keep your product operating at its best, clean it thoroughly several times a year by using the following procedure. Caution: ❏ Never use alcohol or thinner to clean the product. These chemicals can damage the product. Make sure the product is turned off and all the lights are off, and then unplug the power cord from the electrical outlet.

Open the disc cover, and remove the stackers from the product. Use a soft, clean cloth to carefully remove any dust or dirt from the stackers and inside of the product. Click Start ( in Windows 7 or Windows Vista), point to All Programs or Programs. Point to EPSON Total Disc Maker, and then click EPSON Total Disc Setup. Select CD/DVD/BD Publisher, and then click Properties.

Click the Maintenance Info tab. ❏ When it is almost time to replace the maintenance box, a message notifying you that it is almost time to replace it is displayed once per day when you start up EPSON Total Disc Monitor. ❏ When it is time to replace the maintenance box, all the Ink lamps flash rapidly, and a message notifying you that it is time to replace it is displayed on EPSON Total Disc Monitor. Caution: ❏ Both drive 1 and drive 2 must be installed.

Otherwise the product will not operate. ❏ Do not use other drives than the Epson exclusive optional drive. & See “Consumables and Options” on page 134.

❏ Before replacing the drives, be sure to turn off the product, and then unplug the power cable from the wall outlet. Open the ink cartridge cover. Secure the ink cartridges with tape; then close the ink cartridge cover.

Close the disc cover and stacker 4 tray. Secure them with tape. Attach the protective materials to both sides of the product. The information that you need to diagnose and solve most common problems is provided by Help, the control panel, and the EPSON Total Disc Monitor Utility.

Refer to the appropriate section below.: on,: off,: flashing,: flashing fast Error associated with cover Lights Stacker Conditions/Remedies Power Busy Error Disc cover or ink cartridge cover open Close covers. Job is paused because disc cover or ink car- tridge cover was opened while processing the job Wait for the job to resume. Lights Stacker Conditions/Remedies Power Busy Error Disc transfer error Turn off the product and remove the disc. If the same error occurs frequently, contact your dealer. Arm failed to release disc Turn off the product and remove disc. Do not remove disc from the arm by hand if arm is picking up the disc.

Lights Stacker Conditions/Remedies Power Busy Error Stacker 3 is not correctly inserted in Batch mode or when stacker 3 is set to: ❏ Use in Standard mode ❏ Output Stacker in External Output mode ❏ Error Disc Output Stacker in Read Back mode Make sure stacker 3 is correctly inserted. Lights Stacker Conditions/Remedies Power Busy Error Stacker 4 is full Remove published discs from stacker 4.

Stacker 4 is open Close stacker 4. Error associated with ink Lights Stacker Conditions/Remedies Power Busy Error Ink low Obtain a replacement ink cartridge.

To determine which cartridge is low, check the ink cartridge status. Error associated with printer Lights Stacker Conditions/Remedies Power Busy Error The maintenance box has reached its replacement time or it is not installed correctly.

Replace the maintenance box or reinstall it. If the maintenance box is not recognized even if it is installed correctly, there may be dirt on the green circuit board. Disc may have a problem. Replace the disc and resume job.

If there is a problem with the drive, change the drive with EPSON Total Disc Setup and resume the job. Check if the drive has reached the end of its service life. There are three ways to access EPSON Total Disc Monitor: ❏ When you send a job to the product, EPSON Total Disc Monitor appears. ❏ In the EPSON Total Disc Maker window, click the Publish button. From the Tool menu, select Start Total Disc Monitor. Status Drive/Printer/ Stacker Status EPSON Total Disc Monitor provides the following information: ❏ Job List: You can check a list of jobs (up to 1000 for Unfinished Job and 50 for Finished Job) and its information, and also you can cancel, pause, and restart unfinished jobs.

Disc or the Disc Tray Does Not Feed Correctly Disc Does Not Feed Remove the stack of discs and make sure of the following: ❏ The disc is not damaged. ❏ The disc is not too old. See the instructions that came with the disc for more information. Multiple Disc Feeds ❏ Make sure the disc stack fits under the red line in the stacker.

❏ Make sure none of the discs are damaged. ❏ Remove the stack of discs and make sure the discs are not too thin. Push the printer tray. Open the disc cover, remove all the discs inside, and then close the disc cover. Reinstall the maintenance box and close the maintenance box cover. Plug the power cable into the wall outlet and turn on the product. The printer tray automatically closes.

❏ The product is on a flat, stable surface that extends beyond the base in all directions. The product will not operate properly if it is tilted. Writing/Reading Problem Cannot Write to/Read from the Disc Avoid using the product where dust or smoke is abundant.

It may result in write/read error. If a disc write/read error occurs frequently, check the following: ❏. Print Quality Problems If you are having a print quality problem, then compare it with the illustrations below. Click the caption under the illustration that best resembles your printout.

Good sample Good sample “Horizontal Banding” on page 120 “Vertical Misalignment” on page “Horizontal Banding”. & See “Cleaning the Print Head” on page 96. ❏ Use ink cartridges within six months after opening the packages. ❏ Use genuine Epson ink cartridges. ❏ Check the H Ink light.

If the light is on, replace the appropriate ink cartridge. & See “Replacing an Ink Cartridge” on page 91. Blurry or Smeared Printout ❏ Use genuine Epson ink cartridges. ❏ Make sure the product is on a flat, stable surface that extends beyond the base in all directions. The product will not operate properly if it is tilted. Miscellaneous Printout Problems Incorrect or Garbled Characters ❏ Clear any stalled print jobs from the Windows Spooler.

❏ Turn off the product and computer. Make sure the product’s interface cable is securely plugged in. ❏ Uninstall the printer driver, then reinstall it. ❏ Uninstall the printer driver, then reinstall it. & See “Uninstalling Software” on page 23. Printing is too Slow ❏ Make sure the label type selected in the printer driver is appropriate for the type of disc loaded in the product.

Lights Came On and then Went Out The product’s voltage may not match the outlet rating. Turn off the product and unplug it immediately. Then check the label on the back of the product. Caution: If the voltage does not match, DO NOT PLUG YOUR PRODUCT BACK IN. Contact your dealer.

Total Disc Maker. ❏ The output device may not be recognized in an environment with Windows Media Player 7 installed. In this case, uninstall EPSON Total Disc Maker and restart the computer, then reinstall EPSON Total Disc Maker. The Product is not Recognized If the product is not recognized with EPSON Total Disc Setup after if even either one of the drives is replaced, the drive may not be inserted correctly.

Turn off the product, disconnect the power cable from the wall outlet, and then firmly push the replaced drive completely inside. Contacting Customer Support Before Contacting Epson If your Epson product is not operating properly and you cannot solve the problem using the troubleshooting information in your product documentation, contact customer support services for assistance.

If customer support for your area is not listed below, contact the dealer where you purchased your product. Help for Users in the Europe (EMEA) Contacts for information, support, and services are: Web site URL: Or contact your local distributor or Epson sales company. If you need the latest drivers, FAQs, manuals, or other downloadable, access the site at:. Epson Singapore Pte Ltd 1 HarbourFront Place #03-02 HarbourFront Tower 1 Singapore 098633 Helpdesk: 6586 3111 www.epson.com.sg Epson Malaysia Sdn Bhd 3rd Floor, East Tower, Wisma Consplant 1, No.2 Jalan SS 16/4, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor DE, Malaysia Tel: 03-5628 8288. Appendix B Product Information Product Parts and Control Panel Functions Product Parts a. Ink cartridge cover: Secures the ink cartridges. Open only when installing or replacing ink cartridges.

Control panel: Use the button and monitor the lights to control your product. See the next section for details.

AC inlet: Plug in the power cord. USB connector: Connects a USB cable from your computer to the product. Interface cable locking saddle: Use this for directing and gathering the cable. Air vent: Leave at least 10 cm (3.94') between the back of the product and the wall for ventilation. j k l Drive 1: Writes/reads data on the recording surface of discs. Arm: Transports discs. Stacker 1: Use stacker 1 as a disc input stacker.

Holds up to 50 discs. Stacker 2: Use stacker 2 as a disc input or output stacker. Holds up to about 50 discs. Control Panel Buttons Button Function Press and hold for 3 seconds to clean the print head. Cleaning Lights Light Description On when the product is on.

Flashes when the product is initializing, after replacing an ink cartridge, charging ink, or cleaning the print head. Power Flashes when jobs are processed. Light Magenta PJIC3(LM) C13S020449 Magenta PJIC4(M) C13S020450 Yellow PJIC5(Y) C13S020451 Black PJIC6(K) C13S020452 Maintenance box PJMB100 C13S020476 BD Drive BDR-206PBE-2 C32C891001 Epson also offers the specified CD-R, DVD-R, and BD-R discs for all your writing and printing needs. Product Information. ❏ Since the quality of any particular brand or type of disc may be changed by the manufacturer at any time, Epson cannot attest to the quality of any brand or type of disc. Always test samples of disc stock before purchasing large quantities or printing large jobs.

❏ Do not apply excess force, like pinching with a clip, or bend. ❏ Do not attach an adhesive sticker to the disc. This may result in the disc being unable to record or play. ❏ Do not use in a place where lots of dirt and dust are present. Printable area The printable area is the area available for label printing. The printable area can be set from the Set Inner/Outer Diameter screen of EPSON Total Disc Maker. In the Set Inner/Outer Diameter screen, you can select Standard, Wide, or set manually.

Printing on sections outside the printable area may damage your CD/DVD/BD drive. ❏ The EPSON Total Disc Maker can set between an inner diameter of 18 mm and an outer diameter of 119.4 mm (0.71 to 4.70').

However, printing outside the printable area (45 to 116 mm) may result in sticking, staining of the disc tray, peeling of print, and blurring of print. ❏ Use the ink cartridge before the expiration date printed on its package. ❏ Do not refill the ink cartridge. Other products not manufactured by Epson may cause damage that is not covered by Epson's warranties, and under certain circumstances, may cause erratic behavior.

Job Processing Write and print 30 discs/hr processing When using EPSON specified CD-R, speed drive speed of 40x, writing 600 MB data, and Speed/Bidirectional printing. 15 discs/hr When using EPSON specified DVD-R, drive speed of 12x, writing 3.8 GB data, and Speed/Bidirectional printing.1: If you select 2.4x for DVD-R/DVD-R DL, write speed will be set to 2x.2: If you select 2x for DVD+R/DVD+R DL, write speed will be set to 2.4x.3: 8x write speed is possible only when Epson BDs specified for 8x write speed are used. Environmental Temperature Operation: 10 to 35 °C (50 to 95 °F) Storage: -20 to 40 °C (-4 to 104 °F) 1 month at 40 °C (104 °F) Humidity Operation:. 20 to 80% RH Storage:. 5 to 85% RH.1 Without condensation Standards and Approvals Safety UL60950-1.

Lifetime Maintenance box life: About 30,000 discs printed The maintenance box is estimated to need replacing after about 30,000 discs. Based on printing 3,000 discs per month, bidirectional. Actual results will vary based on such factors as images printed, print settings, media type, frequency of use, and temperature.